To you the listeners out there this is an up date for you guys out there I am going to be using the donations you give me to go towards new music and much needed up grades to the equipment that i am using here at LifeStarterRadio so please leave a comment of your donation and then hit the donation button I have been getting into some rough patches but with your help I know we can make this the best station in the world thank you all. my goal is to reach at least $4,000.00 but it is up to you on how much you give on weather I get to that goal or not so please donate what you can even if its just a little pocket-change to the donors I will announce there name and there donation if you wish to stay anonymous please type in the comments anonymous with the amount donated the donation button is at the bottom of each posted page even this one just click it and you will be sent to to use ether your own account or just a credit card or debit card thanks again and keep on listing to us as we bring you the  music you want to hear.


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